EUROS 2004 - Joe Fly di Giovanni Maspero Campione d'Europa | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
02/10/2004 Punta Ala - ITA Joe Fly di Giovanni Maspero, con Luca Santella alla tattica, ha vinto il Farr 40 European Championship che si č concluso oggi a Punta Ala, disputato in collaborazione con AUDI.
Nella nona e ultima prova svoltasi oggi, a Joe Fly č bastato tagliare la
linea del traguardo in quinta posizione per difendersi dagli attacchi di
Mascalzone Latino, TWT e Fiamma, che ancora oggi potevano contendergli
la vittoria. L'equipaggio di Maspero ha chiusa la sua fatica con 25
EUROS 2004 - Joe Fly a un passo dalla vittoria... |
01/10/2004 Punta Ala - ITA
Joe Fly di Giovanni
Maspero, con Luca Santella alla tattica, guida la classifica generale
provvisoria del Farr 40 European Championship di Punta Ala, targato Audi,
che si concluderŕ domani con lo svolgimento della nona e ultima prova. |
EUROS 2004 - Joe Fly on fire... | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
30/09/2004 Punta Ala - ITA Subito grande vela nella prima giornata di gara del Farr 40 European Championship, atteso evento di fine stagione, ancora una volta targato Audi, in corso di svolgimento fino a domenica 3 ottobre a Punta Ala. A rompere il ghiaccio, nella prima prova, ci pensa Joe Fly di Giovanni Maspero, che guidato dal tattico Luca Santella, chiude per primo sulla linea d'arrivo, precedendo Mascalzone Latino di Vincenzo Onorato e TWT di Marco Rodolfi con Tiziano Nava nel ruolo di tattico. Nella seconda prova ad essere protagonista č invece il pozzetto di Mascalzone Latino con Adrian Stead alla tattica, che porta il Farr40 blu di Onorato ad imporsi su Fiamma di Alessandro Barnaba, coadiuvato da John Cutler, mentre Joe Fly deve accontentarsi della terza piazza. Nella terza e conclusiva prova di giornata č ancora una volta Joe Fly ad imporsi su tutti, confermandosi cosě come protagonista assoluto di questa giornata inaugurale, che ha visto il team di Giovanni Maspero mai fuori dal podio. Al secondo posto ancora Fiamma del duo Barnaba/Cutler, mentre al terzo posto chiude TWT. Dopo tre prove, la classifica generale provvisoria vede Joe Fly in prima posizione (pt. 5), seguito a tre lunghezze da Fiamma (pt. 8) e a quattro da Mascalzone Latino (pt. 9). A completare il quintetto di testa TWT di Marco Rodolfi (pt. 11) e Madina Milano di Dario Ferrari con Eddy Owen alla tattica (pt. 13). Domani seconda giornata di regate in cui, una volta scoperte le carte, si assisterŕ agli attacchi da parte del resto della flotta dei Farr40 al leader Joe Fly.
Preliminary Results
WORLDS - Barking Mad world champion |
11/09/2004 San Francisco - USA
Jim Richardson (Boston, Mass./Newport, R.I.) and
his Barking Mad team entered the history books today at the conclusion of the
Rolex Farr 40 Worlds in San Francisco by becoming the first team in the
history of the class to win the coveted world championship title for a second
time. |
WORLDS - A mad fight for the italians |
10/09/2004 San Francisco - USA
Three more solid results in today‘s races
on San Francisco Bay put Jim Richardson‘s (Boston, Mass./Newport, R.I.)
Barking Mad team into a nearly unbeatable position going into the final day of
the Rolex Farr 40 Worlds. With a scoreline of 8-7-5, Richardson‘s team now has
38 points overall, leading 2003 world champion Nerone owned by Massimo
Mezzaroma and Antonio sodo Migliori (Rome, Italy), which is in second place
with 73 points. Going into the final day Italian boats hold three of the top
four positions, with Marco Rodolfi‘s (Comasco) TWT in third and America‘s Cup
boss Vincenzo Onorato‘s (Milan) Mascalzone Latino one point behind in fourth.
2004 WORLDS - The single-digit game... |
09/09/2004 San Francisco - USA
A day of sun, big breeze and
a short lumpy sea on San Francisco Bay proved to be the favored conditions for
Jim Richardson‘s Barking Mad at the Rolex Farr 40 World Championship. The New
England-based team set the tone by winning the first of three races and is the
only boat in the 31-strong fleet to have a score line comprising single-digit
results. Today‘s first race began in lighter conditions with the sea breeze
kicking in and building during the afternoon to more than 25 knots. Massimo
Mezzaroma and Alberto Sodo Miglori‘s Nerone from Italy is in second place,
with Peter de Ridder‘s (Monaco) Mean Machine in third-place overall.
WORLDS - Norwegian ahead... |
08/09/2004 San Francisco - USA
Contrary to expectations,
the opening day of the Rolex Farr 40 Worlds produced a fleet leader without
professional crew or a two boat program or even a coach boat. Norwegian Steam
owned by Eivind Astrup (Oslo, Norway) leads the 31-boat fleet after two races.
FARR 40 WORLDS - Kilroy already on fire... |
07/09/2004 San Francisco - USA
A good indication of the
degree of intense competition expected this week at the Rolex Farr 40 World
Championship was evident this past weekend at the Pre-Worlds, the two day
warm-up regatta held September 4-5, in San Francisco, Calif. |
19/06/2004 Porto Cervo - ITA
Si č conclusa quest'oggi con la settima ed ultima prova del programma,
la terza tappa del Deutsche Bank Farr 40 EuroMed.
2004 del Circuito riservato al monotipo Farr 40, dopo 21 prove disputate
nell'arco delle tre tappe del calendario (S.Tropez, Cala Galera, e Porto
Cervo), ha visto l'affermazione di Nerone Meridiana, la barca campione
del mondo in carica del duo di armatori Massimo Mezzaroma e Antono Sodo
Migliori con Vasco Vascotto alla tattica, bissando il successo ottenuto
nell'edizione 2003.
Da ricordare, a bordo, oltre ai tre giŕ citati, la presenza del giovane
Marco Carpinello a prua e di Massimo Bortoletto come randista, coppia
che voci danno in procinto di accasarsi presso il team Oracle di Larry
Ellison e Chris Dickson.
Al secondo posto il francese Twins 2 di Erik Maris ed al terzo Norwegian
Steam dell'armatore Eivind Astrup e del bi-campione del mondo mumm 30
Erman Johannensen.
Nerone oltre alla vittoria finale nel Deutsche Bank Farr 40 EuroMed
Championship, nel corso di questo lungo fine settimana di regata di
Porto Cervo, valido quale Settimana delle Bocche 2004, si č aggiudicato
anche l'Audi Trophy (Il trofeo riservato al vincitore degli Audi Days),
e la vittoria di tappa. Quest'ultima non č stata tuttavia un successo
scontato, dato che Nerone si č imposto su Shining Sr., dopo 7 prove
sempre molto tirate, di un solo punto.
Quest'oggi Shining Sr. dell'armatore padovano Domenico Cilenti con
Gabriele Benussi alla tattica ha confermato il suo buon momento di
forma, ottenendo la sua terza vittoria in questa tappa. Tanto non č
bastato perň a superare Nerone cui č stato sufficiente un settimo posto
per aggiudicarsi la vittoria di tappa. Al terzo posto della graduatoria
generale di tappa Norwegian Steam dell'armatore Eivind Astrup, grande
protagonista ieri con due vittorie di giornata.
Le regate Farr 40 tornerarro i prossimi 28 settembre-3 ottobre, quando a
Punta Ala si svolgerŕ l'Audi Farr 40 European Championship 2004, uno
degli eventi velici piů attesi della stagione.
La classifica generale finale della terza tappa del Deutsche Bank Farr
40 EuroMed Championship 2004 dopo 7 prove:
1- Nerone (5, 3, 4, 3, 3, 1, 7) pt. 26
2- Shining Sr. (4, 1, 1, 7, 6, 7, 1) pt. 27
3- Norwegian Steam (10, 5, 11, 1, 1, 4, 4) pt. 36
4- Struntje Light (7, 9, 6, 5, 5, 5, 8) pt. 45
5- Twins 2 (11, 13, 13, 2, 2, 2, 3) pt. 46
6- Joe Fly (3, 2, 3, 4, 16, 8, 10) pt. 46
7- Fiamma (16, 8, 10, 8, 7, 6, 2) pt. 57
8- Bambakou (6, 7, 5, 9, 9, 16, 5) pt. 57
9- TWT (2, 12, 14, 6, 8, 10, 9) pt. 61
10- Kokomo (8, 10, 12, 11, 12, 3, 6) pt. 62
11- Rrose (9, 6, 2, 13, 11, 11, 11) pt. 63
12- Cacharaza (13, 4, 8, 12, 9, 9, 13) pt. 68
13- Madina Milano (12, 11, 7, 10, 7, 9, 12) pt. 68
14- Breeze (1, 14, 9, 16, 16, 16, 16) pt. 88
15 - Farrfalina (14, 15, 15, 14, 10, 12, 14) pt. 94
THIRD EVENT - EUROMED FARR 40 2004 CIRCUIT - The World Champions are back ! |
18/06/2004 Porto Cervo - ITA Il vento di maestrale a 25 nodi ha consentito la disputa di tre spettacolari prove nella seconda giornata del Deutsche Bank Farr 40 EuroMed, valida quest'oggi come Audi Day, la giornata in cui si č assegnato il prestigioso Audi Trophy, riservato al vincitore finale delle giornate Audi, nelle tre tappe del Circuito. La vittoria, ottenuta solo all'ultima prova, č andata a Nerone di Massimo Mezzaroma/Antonio Sodo Migliori con Vasco Vascotto alla tattica, che ha dovuto faticare non poco per avere ragione del francese Twins 2 di Erik Maris. Nerone fino a questa mattina era secondo nella classifica generale dell'Audi Trophy, alle spalle di Breeze di Vincenzo Onorato, che a causa di un'avaria all'albero non ha potuto in alcun modo difendere la propria leadership, cedendo il primato ad un ispirato Vasco Vascotto assolutamente a suo agio in condizioni di vento forte. Le prime due prove di giornata hanno visto Norwegian Steam di Eivind Astrup, il francese Twins 2 di Erik Maris e Nerone degli armatori Massimo Mezzaroma ed Antonio Sodo Migliori (quest'ultimo al timone) occupare rispettivamente le prime tre posizioni della classifica. Prima della terza ed ultima prova, Nerone e l'inseguitore Twins 2 risultavano separati da un solo punto nella speciale classifica dell'Audi Trophy, con il doppio vincitore di giornata Norwegian Steam al terzo posto con soli 4 punti di distacco da Nerone. La battaglia scatenatasi nell'ultima prova vedeva prevalere Nerone, costretto a vincere davanti a Twins 2 che chiudeva anche la terza prova in seconda posizione. Le dure condizioni del vento hanno costretto al ritiro, oltre a Breeze, anche l'australiano Cacharaza per un danno alla randa e lo statunitense Bambakou, a causa di un infortunio subito da un uomo dell'equipaggio.
Domani l'ultima prova del programma sarŕ determinante oltre che per la vittoria della terza tappa del Deutsche Bank Farr 40 EuroMed, anche per la conquista del primato assoluto nel Circuito 2004.
La classifica generale provvisoria dopo 6 prove, della terza tappa del Deutsche Bank Farr 40 EuroMed, valida quest'anno come Settimana delle Bocche, organizzata dallo Yacht Club Costa Smeralda:
1- Nerone (5, 3, 4, 3, 3, 1): pt. 19 2- Shining Sr. (4, 1, 1, 7, 6, 7): pt. 26 3- Joe Fly (3, 2, 3, 4, 9, 8): pt. 29 4- Norwegian Steam (10, 5, 11, 1, 1, 4): pt. 32 5- Struntje Light (7, 9, 6, 5, 5, 5): pt. 37 6- Twins 2 (11, 13, 13, 2, 2, 2): pt. 43 7- TWT (2, 12, 14, 6, 8, 10): pt. 52 8- Fiamma (16, 8, 10, 8, 4, 6): pt. 52 9- Rrose (9, 6, 2, 13, 12, 11): pt. 53 10- Bambakou (6, 7, 5, 9, 10, 16): pt. 53 11- Madina Milano (12, 11, 7, 10, 7, 9): pt. 56 12- Kokomo (8, 10, 12, 11, 16, 3): pt. 60 13- Cacharaza (13, 4, 8, 12, 16, 16): pt. 69 14- Breeze (1, 14, 9, 16, 16, 16): pt. 72 15- Farrfalina (14, 15, 15, 14, 11, 12): pt. 81 |
THIRD EVENT - EUROMED FARR 40 2004 CIRCUIT - Shining Sr. on top... |
17/06/2004 Porto Cervo - ITA
Si č conclusa, oggi, nelle
acque antistanti Porto Cervo, la prima giornata di regata della Settimana
della Bocche valida come tappa finale del Circuito Mediterraneo della classe
Farr 40.
Vento leggero, non superiore
a 7/8 nodi alla partenza della prima prova di circa 8 miglia (con onde ancora
formate dal precedente grecale): primi al traguardo gli uomini di Vincenzo
Onorato su “Breeze” seguiti da altri due equipaggi italiani: “TWT” di Marco
Rodolfi – che ha a bordo Tiziano Nava e Daniele Cassinari – e da “Joe Fly” di
Giovanni Maspero con Giorgio Tortarolo alla randa e Giovanni Mascetti a prua.
Da sottolineare che con le tre prove di oggi, Domenico Cilenti e i suoi ragazzi si aggiudicano il Boscolo Hotel Day Trophy 2004, speciale classifica che considera solo le prove delle prime giornate dei 3 eventi del circuito Euromed.
La classifica generale dopo
tre prove: |
SECOND EVENT - EUROMED FARR40 2004 CIRCUIT - TWT by Marco Rodolfi won the event... | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
30/05/2004 Cala Galera - ITA TWT helmed by Marco Rodolfi and Tiziano Nava as tactician won the 2.nd Euromed Event in Cala Galera, after winning the last race when the french Twins2 was only 1 point behind the italian guys. The result comes from two years of accurate preparation made by this crew even by winter season training session. We observe a very good speed on the white Rodolfi's boat, and this could come out even from the development of the sails made by the italian sailmaker Daniele Cassinari, that is even the TWT tailer, recently passed with his brother Giovanni in the North Sails group. Two races today to complete the 7 races of the event.
We are finally happy to signal that, in the final day, the President of the Mediterranean Fleet, Alberto Signorini came back to race as mainsail trimmer with Vincenzo Onorato on Breeze - ITA 1. Is that the signal that Signorini is preparing his comeback ? We have to wait till Porto Cervo to know it...
The 2.nd overall was Twins2 follow by Giovanni Maspero and his Joe Fly with Luca Santella as tactician and Giorgio Tortarolo as mainsail trimmer. To signal the final overall of Nerone by Massimo Mezzaroma and Antonio Sodo Migliori, reaching this good position after an unlucky first day.
Overall Standing
The next EUROMED DEUTSCHE BANK Event will be held in Porto Cervo from the till the of June. |
29/05/2004 Cala Galera - ITA The fleet had to wait till 3.00 pm to have a Northern breeze and start the race. Initially the wind was about 8 kn and it increased during the race till 15 at the end. The run was very tricky and shifty and at the end was Vincenzo Onorato and his ITA 1 - Breeze that crossed the finish line first. At 16.30 the second run started in a building northern breeze and we can report that at the first leeeward mark the world champion Nerone (Mezzaroma/Sodo Migliori) was leading the fleet, just ahead TWT by Marco Rodolfi. At the end the winner of the race was Nerone but TWT is still at the top of the provisional overall ranking.
Provisional Overall
1. TWT, Marco Rodolfi
(4-3-1-2-4), 14 pti
Stay with us.... |
28/05/2004 Cala Galera - ITA Three races on the first day of the second Euromed Farr40 Circuit Event, held in Cala Galera and organized by the Circolo Nautico e della Vela Argentario. The wind was pretty light (about 8 kn.) coming from West. The first race was win by Joe Fly, helmed and owned by Govanni Maspero, with Luca Santella as tactician and Giovanni Mascetti on board. The second run was win by the European Champion Wolfgang Schaefer on his Struntje Light and the third race was really dominated by Marco Rodolfi with TWT (Tiziano Nava as tactician), that after a very good and clear start was ahead the group in each mark. At the moment we still are waiting for the complete provisional standing... we apologize for the delay...
Tomorrow we expect another light/medium wind day and the forecast says direction North... stay with us.... |
25/05/2004 Cala Galera - ITA The entire fleet is ready to sail in the second Deutsche Bank Farr 40 Euromed Championship regatta.
Among the entrance are both the current World and European champions, respectively “Nerone” of Mezzaroma and Sodo Migliori with Massimo Bortoletto as mainsail trimmer and Marco Carpinello as bowman, two of the best in their position on-board, and “Struntje Light” of Wolfgang Schaefer.
To help the organization of the crew accomodation here you have a list of accomodation facilities. ACCOMODATION CALA GALERA See yah on the water ! |
Trofeo ZEGNA - Farr40 open regatta |
12/05/2004 Portofino ITA
23 years have passed since
two men, sharing a love for Portofino and for sailing, met to discuss a
wonderful idea. (thanks to )
FIRST EVENT - EUROMED FARR40 2004 CIRCUIT - Final Day - Vincenzo Onorato's Breeze wins in St. Tropez |
18/04/2004 St. Tropez FRA The italian boat Breeze, skippered by the former AC Challenger Vincenzo Onorato wins today the first Euromed Farr40 2004 Event.
Onorato choose this year Adrian Stead as tactician and the results clearly say that was the right choice.
The European champion Wolfgang Schaefer finished in the second place overall, followed by the first french boat, Twins2 by Eric Maris. Today we had 3 races respectively win by Dario Ferrari (Madina Milano - Eddie Owen as tactician) Vincenzo Onorato and the European champion Wolfgang Schaefer (Struntje Light).
Read the Full report on the last day's racing
by Father Ted on Struntje Light. (thanks to )
Today started like any day in the Med should,
7 - 8 knots of breeze, pleasant sunshine, little or no waves, and fourteen
Farr 40's lined up for racing, in a competition with few points between the
leading boats.On Struntje, we were sitting in fifth place with equal points
to fourth. This left us eight points behind the consistent leader, Breeze,
who was on 19 points. Crucially a number of boats had slipped in placings
despite putting in fantastic performances, by being black flagged in
yesterdays last race.
The breeze, as yesterday was coming from the left hand corner of the bay, with some distant clouds reasonably ominous and obvious. With yesterday's black flaggings, people were keen not to be caught out again and the fleet started cleanly with a definite split, half the fleet going middle left and the other half going middle right, no-one keen to bang corners. (Nice ad Ted!-coiler) This led to some obvious situations from port hand boats approaching the windward mark and the usual clatter of starboard boats stacked up. First around were Norwegian Steam, TWT, Shining Sr., Breeze and Madina Milano. The spreadermark had been laid at about 130 degrees off the windward mark. Shining gybed early and but for some shouts from other boats, were clearly heading inside the spreader mark. A swift kite drop and gib hoist saw them heading almost back upwind to unwind themselves. A good recovery was made and they ended up 8th on the finishing line. Places can change frequently in this fleet and it is always worth hanging in there, even in seemingly impossible situations. Madina Milano went on to win the race followed by TWT and Norwegian steam. The second race proved staying in touch is worthwhile. The fleet headed right up the first beat with freshening breezes, and inevitable spinnaker changes from the original pre race choice being called. These boats generally carry three kites, to be declared at the start of race day 1. The first being a downwind VMG kite (1S), good to about 10 knots of breeze. Next kite in the line up is generally a hybrid VMG / Runner (1.5S), recently introduced to the fleet to provide a cross over from the VMG to the runner (2S), which is good for 10 - 12 knots plus. Bigger angles are sailed with the VMG kite in order to increase speed over the water in such light breezes. There were no major incidents at the weather mark, with the usual suspects rounding first, Breeze, TWT, and a good appearance for Jo Fly. Struntje headed around the top mark in 11th place. Not much could be gained down the reach with few places changing, bar Struntje slipping to fourteenth place round the bottom mark. Three places were picked up on the next beat, playing shifts up the middle and another five places picked up by slipping down the left hand side of the fleet on the gybes, finishing a much more palatable 6th place.
The breeze was freshening again and clocking left towards 190, and the
committee indicating a bearing to the windward mark of 220 degrees. After
going into the starting sequence, the committee fired a postponement, after
starting to
slip its anchor. This then continued for about forty minutes with the breeze going from 11 - 18 knots, sending everybody diving for the rig spanners and continually tweaking the mast settings. When the starting sequence got off again, there proved to be a lot of keen boats with 4 - 5 boats being called OCS. It was interesting to watch the boats peeling off as the fleet progressed up the fleet, and the obvious ones heading back first followed by the not so obvious ones. It was surprising that a general recall was not fired and brave of the committee to be able to spot so many boats. A further surprise was Madina Milano who was well advanced on the line continued on after other boats behind her on the start peeled off and went back. Madina did not finish the race. Cacharaza was deemed to have returned and not rounded the ends, which after going back and being forced to the right hand side of the course, were well placed in the fleet at the top mark. Rounding the bottom mark, were Twins 2, Fiamma (previously GBR 25), Aleph and Struntje. Twins 2 started up the left side of the beat, and gradually worked right followed by Fiamma and Nerone. Struntje followed suit but kept left at the top, able to tack in on the port lay line ahead of Nerone and Fiamma. There was not much seperation in the fleet in the first half of the downwind leg with Fiamma close on the stern of Struntje, forcing Struntje slightly left with the others working 15 - 20 boatlengths to the right. With 6 - 7 gybes following downwind, it was a very close finish with Struntje crossing the left side of the line about two boatlengths ahead of Fiamma, with Aleph crossing the right hand side of the line in third followed by Twins 2 and Nerone. |
FIRST EVENT - EUROMED FARR40 2004 CIRCUIT - Day Two - Breeze Leads the fleet... |
17/04/2004 St. Tropez FRA
Racing finally got underway
today, the wind had abated to only 5.5 knots but the breeze was oscillating
through 65 degrees causing a delay to the first start.
The provisional standing:
1. Breeze, Vincenzo Onorato
(4-5-6-4), 19 pti |
16/04/2004 St. Tropez FRA No races today. The Race Committee decided this morning to cancel all today's races because of the strong weather conditions. Force 9 during the day with winds up to 60 knots in the Gulf of St. Tropez with waves of more than 5 meter coming from E-SE. Tomorrow forecast are for westerly winds force 6. Happy hour at 6.00 o' clock pm with all crews meetings for a beer at the Socičtč Nautique de St. Tropez terrace.
Story of the day (thanks to :
Twins 2 and Norwegian steam
were shipped from US for the event. The container ship docked in Monaco and
had problems against the new breakwater; apparently the ship started drifting
and was driven up against the dock damaging the container ship so much that it
could not leave the harbour. |
EUROMED FARR40 2004 CIRCUIT - Everything ready for the starting of the Med Circuit in St. Tropez | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
13/04/2004 St. Tropez FRA Fourteen boats are ready to sail in the first Deutsche Bank Farr 40 Euromed Championship regatta of the season. The weather forecast for Friday is for S – SE strong winds, up to 35 knots with gusts of 50 knots. If the Race Committee are able to start the race it is sure to be an exceptional show in the Gulf of St. Tropez. Six Countries are represented at the Regatta with many famous and experienced tacticians and sailors again in the fleet. Among the entrance are both the current World and European champions, respectively “Nerone” of Mezzaroma and Sodo Migliori, and “Struntje Light” of Wolfgang Schaefer.